General Election 2024
Malcolm Birks
Skipton and Ripon

Party Manifesto:
Candidate Statement on Climate, Energy, Nature and the Environment
Energy infrastructure and energy efficiency
What actions will you prioritise to support the implementation of more renewable energy and the elimination of fuel poverty across the constituency?
100% clean power by 2030; doubling onshore wind generation, tripling solar, quadrupling offshore wind generation. Establish GB Energy to invest in the network infrastructure to make this happen.
Warm Homes Plan - huge programme of home insulation work with incentives. Invest in energy security to bring down bills.
What are your priority actions to create a transport system fit for all, a low-carbon future, actions that increases connectivity between places and also supports the rural economy, whilst recognising the impact on our small towns and villages of tourism?
Ban on new cars with internal combustion engines after 2030. Nationalise railways and improve the system. Improve bus services and allow councils to franchise key services.
Nature and biodiversity
Will you commit to implementing the policy recommendations set out in the draft YNY Local Nature Recovery Strategy and to supporting the reintroduction of the Climate and Nature Bill, which had cross-party support in the last parliament?
Yes, I support this (Climate and Nature Bill)
Yes, I support this (YNY Local Nature Recovery Strategy)
Food, farming and waste
How do you intend to involve the food/agricultural sector in this work, whilst acknowledging the impact of a changing climate on their ability to produce food?
I would bring together a local forum, involving farmers, landowners and local environmental groups to discuss best practice and encourage moves towards regenerative farming practices.
The Labour Party manifesto sets out our policies. It can be found here: https://labour.org.uk/change/
I would also draw your members' attention to the Countryside Protection Plan proposed by the Labour.
The key areas I would focus on in terms of local action (on top of the initiative explained above) would be:
Support for and celebration of the brilliant local environmental initiatives and nature reserves eg Yorkshire Peatland Partnership; Wild Ingleborough, Heart of the Dales, Nosterfield Nature Reserve, Lower Ure Conservation Trust, Darnbrook Farm.
Campaign for transition away from fossil fuel use eg off-grid heating plus mass home insulation programme (with controlled ventilation) to help reduce fuel poverty.
Encourage best practice re new housing. I am a Certified Passivhaus Designer and have designed zero-carbon housing in the constituency. We need more of this in our area.
Campaign for better water quality and focus scrutiny on the actions of Yorkshire Water.