General Election 2024
Steve Mason
Liberal Democrats
Thirsk and Malton

Party Manifesto:
Thirsk Friends of the Earth and Ryedale Environment Group interviewed all the candidates in Thirsk and Malton except Reform candidate Mark Robinson, who did not reply to our email. Click the photo below to watch our interview with Liberal Democrat candidate Steve Mason. Recorded by the stream outside Hovingham bakery on 27 June.
Candidate Statement on Climate, Energy, Nature and the Environment
What are your views and priorities on some of the key environmental challenges that lie ahead, such as nature restoration, biodiversity loss, river pollution, active travel, climate change resilience, energy infrastructure, energy efficiency, sustainable agricultural methods, net zero targets, competing land uses (growing food, generating energy and protecting nature) and public transport – both in your constituency and more widely across the country?
Steve’s multifaceted background positions him as a leader in climate change and sustainability initiatives, strategic advisory roles, and environmental advocacy. He is a resolute campaigner with a focus on public affairs, sustainability, and environmental issues. His day job involves transitioning companies, councils and communities towards a sustainable future.
Steve also works on projects to measure nature and pollution in rivers using DNA testing for animals. His Environmental Smart project collaborated with community groups and schools to help them discover their local biodiversity and contribute to the scientific understanding of the local environment, all whilst learning through fun.
Steve contributes to achieving net-zero goals and sustainable development in his current role as an independent sustainability innovation and strategy advisor for a public sector procurement service and insurance companies, with a focus on introducing environmental and social value within supply chains and in products to encourage climate action.
He has a long history of campaigning against polluting industries and since 2015, spearheaded the national network against fracking in the UK. His pivotal role in the national advocacy campaigns was as a policy advisor and public affairs lead, collaborating with cross-party politicians, and NGOs – including Liberty, WWF, Friends of the Earth, and CPRE.
After achieving the ban on fracking, Steve led a consortium to buy the fracking company he campaigned against and was part of the leadership team that delivered the transformation away from fossil fuels to renewable energy and finding solutions for net zero, leading to the return of the fossil fuel licences from across the Ryedale to the government. This circular approach to energy integrated environmental and social value into the local and wider economy, emphasising sustainability and responsible energy practices.
As the opposition spokesperson at NYC, steve has ensured the new local authority has adopted the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGS) within its entire council plan. The UNSDGs are fundamental 17 key missions for the world to strive towards and are at the core of all Steve’s work and political career. These include climate action, nature protections, zero poverty, strong communities and more. See image.
North Yorkshire will now have to report on their annual progress in achieving these goals within the council plan encouraging collaboration, partnerships and scrutiny in the delivery of the council plan
Key Highlights:
Geothermal Projects: Steve’s time at Third Energy helped to transform the fracking well into a demonstrator of new technology and techniques to extract heat from its well sites to provide clean, sustainable heat to local businesses and residents.
Circular Energy Approach: Third Energy’s transition story involves moving away from fossil fuels and finding solutions for Net Zero. Their circular energy approach integrates environmental and social value into the local and wider economy, emphasising sustainability and responsible energy practices.
Steve played a pivotal role in the Frack Free United (FFU) campaign, an NGO coalition aiming to achieve a ban on fracking in the UK. As a policy advisor and public affairs lead, he collaborated with cross-party politicians, designed PR material, organized events, and enlisted election candidates. His close connections with MPs, members of the House of Lords, and other policymakers continue to drive evidence-based advocacy through policy making
Legal Challenges and Evidence Sourcing: Steve consulted with legal teams to explore potential legal challenges to government policies. His collaboration with academics ensured the supply of peer-reviewed evidence across the political and legal spectrum.
Key areas of work: Change Management ·Sustainability · Public Relations · Publicity · Public Sector · Networking Policy Development · Campaign Strategies